I rolled out of bed at 0700.
I had this crazy notion that I would register with the State because I was keeping my flat for the months of January and February (vacant in my absence). I made the long trip up to Dresdner straße arriving at 0815.
I slithered through the snail bureaucracy, signed the papers, lost my passport and paid the fee. I could not remember where I had placed or misplaced my passport. I shook out my bag and thoroughly searched my person (to no avail). I must admit I panicked only slightly.
I was called into another room and asked to show a receipt. I signed some more papers and received, lo and behold, my passport stamped.
Everything was in order. Now I only needed to rush to school for 1000.
It was a giant feat and I failed. I pushed through the school doors at 1005 simultaneously reading a text message from my betreuunglehrerin, 'du mußt nicht kommen.'
Wonderful, already I could feel my ears burning; no doubt poisonous words were being spat defaming my good name.
I left the school very much excited about the looming confrontation I was to have the day after.
It was early and most of the TAs would still be at school. I took a gamble that D might be translating and not teaching (as her teachers often had her do). She was at home so we had tea and buscuits.
I got a call shortly after and plans were made for lunch. We were to meet at Stephansdom. I got lost en route opting for the less than beaten path. This move upset some as it added considerable delay to my journey...
We went to Kleines café and I immediately fell in love with that little piece of heaven.
This dingy little café squeezed into a tiny platz. The cramped surroundings screamed exclusive.
The chef and waitress wander around with an air of indifference and a look of non-chalance tapping their cigarette ash into your cup or saucer. And breathing over your food as they slide it onto the table.
It is not as bad as it sounds - we went back for more. This time we got service with a smile - granted we had come back two mondays in a row we were practically regulars.
I learned the next day that I would not have to pay rent for the months of January and February and I was free to leave my apartment in the 11th. I began packing.
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